Does Biden Care More About Race and Gender Than Upholding The Law?

Biden is expected to announce his nomination for a new supreme court judge by the end of February, and he plans to uphold his campaign pledge to nominate a Black woman.

Following the retirement announcement of Justice Stephen Breyer, Biden announced his next steps almost immediately, not waiting a second to push his liberal propaganda down the media’s throats.

“I’ve made no decision except one: The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience, and integrity. And that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court,” Biden said following the retirement announcement. “It’s long overdue, in my view.”

Naturally, this is problematic for many reasons… 

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard – who represented Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district for eight years as a dem – had some issues with Biden’s pledge, arguing that the decision shouldn’t be made purely based on race and gender. 

President Trump’s Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson also called it “abominable.”

“Many people fought and gave their lives to bring equality. And now we’re reverting back to identity politics. And as we continue to do that, we’re bringing more division into our country,” Carson said. 

“We need a Supreme Court where we have the best candidates who understand the Constitution and are not trying to legislate from the bench,” he continued.

Breyer’s replacement by another liberal justice wouldn’t have much effect on the court – which is still outnumbered by conservatives 6-3. 

DeSantis has also called out Biden telling him to pick a nominee who will be “faithful to the law and Constitution.”

DeSantis made his comments this past Friday during a press conference, where he said “When you’re dealing with picks for the Supreme Court, you want people who are going to be faithful to the law and the Constitution and understand how our constitutional system was designed to have separate powers.”

The fact of the matter is that if Biden wants to nominate a Black woman as the next supreme court justice, then he can and will do so, but all he’s doing is tunneling this nominee into a fixed position where they are only known for their race and gender and not any accomplishments or values they might hold.

A judge is still a judge at the end of the day, and should uphold the law regardless of race, gender, or any other factor, so why does Biden care more about that than he does protecting the strength of the law? 

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